“PDT laser” in collaboration with DBT/BIRAC, Delhi & RCC, Trivandrum, India.
- Used for selective killing of cancer cells with light therapy
- First time in India
- Gold medal winner: DST- Lockheed Martin India innovation growth programme 2013
- Winner of DBT-BIRAC Innovator of the year Award 2013.
- Winner of UDHYOG BHARATI Award 2013
- Funded by Dept. of Biotechnology (DBT) under BIPP programme and in collaboration with the Regional Cancer Centre and CESS Trivandrum.
Photodynamic therapy is an efficient photochemical process to destroy the cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. It deals with interaction of light with photo sensitiser. Photosensitisers are molecules that absorb light. The typical laser light excites the sensitiser and it reacts with the molecular oxygen produces singlet oxygen. The excitation, so caused produces reactive oxygen that kills the cancerous cells leaving the healthy cells unharmed.
“Supercontinuum Light Source, Confocal Microscope & HP EDFA” in collaboration with CSIR – CGCRI, Kolkata.
Supercontinuum light source
- Used as a broadband light source (500- 2200 nm spectrum)
- High brightness upto 2W
- Narrow pulse width as low as 4ps
- Desktop design with touch screen Interface.
- Developed in collaboration with CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata and realised under CSIR-NMITLI Programme.
Supercontinuum light technology is an emerging area where only a few Companies around the world have got the technology and expertise. Unlike normal wide band sources like tungsten, halogen, Xenon and SLED, with limited power and spectral band, the spectral band of Super continuum light source spans wider with orders of magnitude of higher spectral density. Taking this technology into account, Vinvish Technologies in collaboration with CGCRI, Kolkata has become the first Company in the Country and the Fifth in the World to have developed the Supercontinuum light source.
High power Erbium- Ytterbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (HPEDFA)
- Used for LIDAR and defence application
- Upto 20W high power C band amplification
- Rackmount design.
- Developed in collaboration with CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata
The project will indigenously develop a high power Er-Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) under the New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI) of CSIR, jointly by Vinvish Technologies and the national institute of CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute.
This project was to develop phospho-silica glass based double clad Er/Yb fibers and Zirconia-alumino-silica glass based erbium doped fibers with asymmetric air cladding and to use these fibers to develop a high-power optical amplifier for free space communications and FTTH applications. These amplifiers are in good demand in National and International markets and could be used as optical amplifiers in CATV and FTTH applications.